Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Title: Vanishing on 7th Street

Release Date: Feb. 18th

When a movie is an obvious rip-off of previously released films, its trailer needs to fool you into thinking you haven’t seen the story before. Vanishing on 7th Street’s trailer asks you to imagine a guy waking up and the whole world has disappeared. It promises horror and action all presented through the adventures of one apocalypse surviving last man standing. That sounds really cool except for the fact I have seen this film before.

In 2 and a half minutes all this trailer does is remind viewers of I am Legend. I’m sure there will be some differences (most notably no Will Smith) but Vanishing on 7th Street’s preview does nothing to bring them to mind. So thanks Magnet Releasing (even the production company’s name sounds bad) for reminding me to add I am Legend to the Netflix queue.

Rating 2/5