Title: Limitless
Release Date: March 18, 2011
Coked-out Californication meets Inception? I'm all in, baby. The movie seems like it will be a smash hit, but the story line is slightly questionable. Seriously, why/how is he the only one to be testing out this mystical drug? Why didn't they just call it coke + ecstasy? Its plot can be summarized as: An uninspired writer develops a drug dependency, where the drug makes him feel great but also makes him paranoid and lose track of time, and his supply is eventually cut off. Sounds like a great weekend, if you ask me.
Nonetheless, Rogue Media has done it again; yet another movie perfectly sold in a 2-minute trailer. Allowing its viewers to wishfully relate, it follows the transformation of a pathetic "regular dude" into a suave GQ, "the perfect version of himself," man--and combines it with a hint of suspense and an appropriate song choice (Kanye West's Power). I'm intrigued and excited to see it in March!
Rating: 4.5/5
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